Saltmarche-McLaughlin-Haworth Studio, 2nd floor Also known as Studio
Second Floor
In partnership with the 18th edition of Media City Film Festival and the Art Gallery of Windsor, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) will present a free afternoon class in cameraless 16mm filmmaking.
Using 16mm sound recording film, flashlights and found objects participants will produce a short collaborative film in one session." The class will work under red lights using feathers, lace, hardware and any other found objects brought by participants to create rayograms / photograms. After processing, these short lengths of film will be spliced together and projected as a finished 16mm film with sound. Additionally, Lift will give a presentation about the various films stocks, equipment and services the organization has available to the public year-round.
The class is completely free and open to the public and will be instructed by LIFT's Executive Director Ben Donoghue and Education Coordinator Coral Aiken.
LIFT is an artist-run charitable organization dedicated to facilitating excellence in the moving image through media arts education and production resources. LIFT exists to provide support and encouragement for independent filmmakers and artists through affordable access to production, post-production and exhibition equipment; professional and creative development; workshops and courses; commissioning and exhibitions; artist-residencies; and a variety of other services. Founded in 1981 by a small collective, LIFT has since grown to become one of the foremost centres of its kind globally.
Organized by Media City Film Festival:
Media City would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Ontario Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, its sponsors, donors and members. Special thanks to Ben Donoghue and the staff and board at Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto.
all ages