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Our Supporters

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AWE has sustained a long history of support in many forms, including volunteerism, membership, corporate partners, non-profit partners, and patrons. We would not be here without you, and we thank you for your advocacy of the arts in daily life.

Annual supporters who wish to be recognized are listed in our Annual Reports (2007 to present).

Below, we recognize major private and public sector agencies and institutions that have made a substantial difference to AWE’s capacity to serve Windsor-Essex since 2001.

Granting Agencies and In-Kind Supporters:

The City of Windsor (supporter since 1943 and In-kind 49 year lease agreement 2013-2052)

Ontario Arts Council (multi-year and ongoing)

Canada Council for the Arts (multi-year and ongoing)

Canadian Heritage (Since 1977, “Category A” designation for Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board and special projects since inception)

Ontario Trillium Foundation (2011; 2014-2016; 2017)

Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund (2018-2019)

Endowment Contributors (1993 to present):

  • Ontario Casino Corporation (1993-2001)
  • Estate of Mary and Clifford Hatch-Acquisition and Conservation of the Canadian Historical Art Collection (2001-2004)
  • Estate of Gail Sheard, Acquisitions for the Canadian Historical Art Collection (2007-2013)
  • Lois K. Smedick, Contemporary Art Acquisitions Fund (2017)
  • Ontario Arts Foundation (2001-2004)

Named Space Donors (2001 to present):

  • Ambassador Bridge Terrace (Matty and Nora Moroun)
  • The Morris and Beverly Baker Foundation Gallery
  • Ginetta Cusinato Barbaro Gallery (Ron and Ginetta Barbaro)
  • Jane E. Brindley Creative Centre, "Jane's Space" (various contributors)
  • The Charles and Ethel Cohen Family Gallery (Carl and Elaine Cohen)
  • Graybiel Family Gallery (The Chandisherry Foundation)
  • Hatch Family Gallery (Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation)
  • Edmond Odette Family Gallery (Edmond and Gloria Odette) 
  • Louis Odette Family Gallery (Louis (Bud) and Patricia Odette) 
  • Rodzik Family Gallery (John and Pamela Rodzik)
  • Matthew and Julia Rodzik Lounge (John and Pamela Rodzik)
  • Bill and Rochelle Tepperman Gallery (William and Rochelle Tepperman)
  • Valiant Corporation Suite (The Solcz Family, Michael and Doreen)
  • Betty F. Wilkinson Gallery(Betty Wilkinson)
  • Clare E. and Anne Winterbottom Gallery(Clare and Anne Winterbottom)
  • George and Faye Yee Lounge (Dr. George and Mrs. Faye Yee)
  • Barry and Stephanie Zekelman Gallery (The Barry and Stephanie Zekelman Foundation)
  • Saltmarche-Haworth-McLaughlin Studio (in Memory of Kenneth Saltmarche, Peter and Bobs Haworth and Isabel McLaughlin)

Art Windsor-Essex is a proud member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Canada South Chapter. We are committed to the Fundraising Code of Ethical Principals and Standards.

For more information, contact Jennifer Matotek, MA, MBA,