COOL OFF at the AGW!
Join us for a FREE Summer Film Series, Tours and Socials
In conjunction with the exhibition Made in America, 1900-1950: Photographs from the National Gallery of Canada the AGW presents new summer programs.
TOUR: Julie Sando will lead a tour of Made in America, 1900-1950: Photographs from the National Gallery of Canada.
Julie Sando is a Windsor artist who mixes photographic imagery of everyday experiences with a variety of texts. She has exhibited her artworks in the US and Canada, has published writings on photography and is a member of the creative team for a documentary (currently in production) on mug shot photography.
Her series of photographs entitled Best Sensuous Hands (2005), studied the facades of Detroit/Windsor massage parlours and Tapping Jack (2010) involved a retyping of Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road to create a simulated scroll.
She received an M.F.A. from West Virginia University (1997) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Windsor (1992). She has taught courses in Design, Photography and Visual Culture at the University of Windsor since 1998
SCREENING: Frames from the Edge, directed by Helmut Newton, 100 min. Helmut Newton is one of the 20th century's leading photographers, both outraging and fascinating the public with his startling, groundbreaking images.
Made in America: 1900-1950: Photographs from the National Gallery of Canada is organized and circulated by the National Gallery of Canada and presented at the AGW with the support of The Morris and Beverly Baker Foundation.