SESSION 13: Journey of the Healing Tree

Explore how the tree has been seen as a symbol of strength, beauty, transformation, growth, and perseverance. As we continue to embark on our Taking Care journey, we will create a renewed testament to our healing journey and personal growth. We have endured great changes, yet continue to gather on a regular basis to connect, grow, and nourish ourselves through this community. 

This session we will create our own healing tree sculpture using wire and beads. As always, if you do not have the materials listed, please still attend and create with whatever materials you have available to you. 


“What does it take to fall in love with being alive?” 
- Morning Alters, Day Schildkret

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy
you can contain.”
- Kahlil Gibran

  1. In what area of your life are you rooting into and nourishing right now? (Health, family, loss, career, creativity, etc.)

  2. What is needed to feel nourished? 

    • Positive, inspired, truthful, loving thoughts?

    • Unconditional warmth from family, friends, yourself?

    • Emotional support needed to believe in your potential?

  3. Consider these factors and begin to nurture and tend to yourself and environment as needed.


Art Activity

For this session you will need: 

  • Wire 
  • Wire Cutters (Scissors)
  • Jewelry Pliers
  • 3mm-5mm Beads (glass, crystal, whatever you feel drawn to!)


  1. Create a tree that represents your journey of healing and nourishment. 
  2. With your wire cutters or plyers, cut 8-10 strands of wire, each measuring approximately 30cm - 40 cm. Wires do not need to be exact or the same length. We're going for variety and shape rather than perfection! 
  3. Group your wires together in a bunch, both ends alligned. 
  4. Bend the bunch of wires in half. For thicker wire, you can wear gloves for protection. Grab the bunch of wire and twist the center a few times. This spiral will become the trunk of the tree. Make sure to leave wire for the branches and roots. 
  5. After twisting the trunk, start splitting up the wires to create the branches. Think of the wire as playdough or clay: you can mold, shape and twist it into the desired shapes. Use small groupings of wire and twist like you did with the trunk. This will create texture.
  6. Mold, bend, shape, and twist your branches and roots until you are happy with the shape of your tree. Bend the roots to create a support, or stand, so that your tree can stand upright. 
  7. Use your beads to decorate the branches of your tree. Add your finishing details. 
  8. What does your tree reprensent and what does it need to grow?