Family Fun! Sundays in the Studio - May 2021

Family Fun Sundays in the Studio! is generously sponsored by Anne Safranyos and family. For Sundays in the Studio 2020, please click HERE.


This month we will go on a journey through imaginary spaces. Together we will recreate your own imaginings though mixed media collage and stop motion animation. Let’s get creating! 

Domenica Mediati (@dombuka) is a Windsor-based mixed media artist. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from the University of Windsor and a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from Wayne State University. Domenica’s art practice involves analog and digital ways of creating such as printmaking, drawing, and animation software. Domenica’s work engages the ideas surrounding alternative consciousness; in particular, the dream experience. Currently, Domenica teaches Contemporary Study of Aesthetic Expressions at St. Clair College and is a Research Coordinator at UWindsor’s INCUBATOR Art Lab. Additionally, Domenica has taught 3D Animation at St. Clair College and will be launching “The Oops Box” art education packages and workshops, in Fall 2021.


Week #1 – Imaginary Spaces - Materials List 

In this tutorial we will go through a materials list of supplies and free software you will need to create your imaginary space! You will have a week to gather up some items around the house or order online in time for the week 02 tutorial. You will find a materials list with links in the YouTube caption section of this video, or linked below! 


Week #2 – Imaginary Spaces – Creating a Storyboard 

It is always important to plan what imaginary space you would like to create. In this tutorial we will be creating a storyboard using or a blank piece of paper. Let start planning our imaginary scene! 


  • Option 1 - Computer or tablet and internet access if you will be using to create your storyboard (Template used)
  • Option 2 - or a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and coloured markers, pencils, or crayons.


Week #3 – Imaginary Spaces – Cutting Out Objects and Characters 

 In this video tutorial we are going to bring to life the characters in our imaginary space!


  • Construction paper or cardstock (black)
  • Scrapbook paper or magazines or wrapping paper as collage materials
  • Transparent paper or parchment paper. 
  • Scissors or an x-acto knife

Week #4 – Imaginary Spaces – Creating a Background

In this video tutorial we will be creating the background of our imaginary space! 


  • Mixed media artboard or Watercolour paper or even a canvas board will work.
  • Watercolour paint or watered-down acrylic paint or ink.
  • Paint brushes and a cup of water
  • Rubber cement glue (this is optional) 


Week #5 – Imaginary Spaces – Creating a Stop Motion Animation! 

In this video tutorial we will be creating our stop motion animation! If you do not have access to an iPad – tablet -or camera phone- that is okay - you still completed an amazing imaginary space and can use your paper cut-outs to create story’s in real time! 


  • The background of your imaginary space created in week 04
  • The characters and objects you had cut out in week 03
  • The Storyboard created in week 02 to reference 
  • Tablet, iPad, Camera phone 
  • FREE Software download – Stop Motion Studios




  1. Mixed Media Artboard or thick paper
  2. Scrapbook paper or collage material
  3. Cardstock or construction paper
  4. Ink or watercolour paint
  5. Elmers Rubber Cement Glue
  6. A cup of water 
  7. Small brushes
  8. Drawing Material – markers, pens
  9. Scissors or x-acto knife
  10. Tablet, iPad, Cameraphone 
  11. Tablet or phone Tripod (optional) 
  12. Software download – Stop Motion Studios (FREE DOWNLOAD)
  13. storyboard or blank paper (TEMPLATE USED)


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