SESSION 15: Guiding Light from Within

This session will focus on a personal goal that contributes to our “big vision, small action” process. Together we will create artwork to resemble stained glass using the materials we have at home! This project is meant to be practical in use - and acts as a visual motivator to work towards goals. You are invited to add to the project throughout the week, as you take small steps towards your goal. 

Everyone will have their own unique goals and will likely create designs that relate to this personal vision. If it is helpful, you may want to print out and bring some simple symbols/shapes to trace for your stained glass artwork. 

We are reminded that the inner light from within, guides us through the dark and challenging times. 

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

For This Session You Will Need:  

  • Glass from Old Picture Frame 
  • White/Liquid Glue mixed with Black Paint (70% glue, 30% paint) in a dispensing bottle (old glue bottle, fabric paint bottle, etc.)
  • Paper
  • Pencil/Eraser
  • Tissue Paper or Old Nail Polish 

Process Based Art - Things to Consider: 

  1. How can we use creativity and visuals to help us transition and move into something new?
  2. Where should I put this? (Accessible/Size, Flow, Seen but not in your face)
  3. How and when do I add to this? (Big or small act, Keep it simple)
  4. When am I done?

      Art Making - Pt. 1

      1. Create a symbol that represents a small goal that helps you to take the steps needed to move into this new space
      2. Draw this symbol on a piece of paper
      3. Mindfully step into this new phase/space you are being called into.
      4. Notice: Any sensations felt within the body, Colours to represent this phase, Lines to represent the movement.

          Journal Prompts

          1. “Create a letter to yourself, a letter of encouragement, gentleness, guidance, and support. 
          2. What tools do you already have in your toolbox, that you would like to call forward right now. 
          3. Add as much or as little of your journal entry to your artwork - as a touchstone throughout this process.

          Art Making - Pt. 2

          1. Add words from your journal entry to your work of art (either on the symbol or with art-making materials you are using).
          2. Create an image using colour, line and shape that represents the space/phase you are stepping into. 
          3. Set up your space. 


          Special Guest: Anne Marie Nantais

          Anne Marie Nantais is an ADHD coach (ACC ) and an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) with 19 years of classroom and Special Education experience.  She started ADHD and Beyond to help adults go beyond the label of ADHD and into living their best lives – as they define it.  With compassion and deep listening, she works with clients to help them find personalized and unique solutions to their ADHD stumbling blocks, using their strengths to create the energy and ease they crave in their lives. You can reach her at: