Session 19: Clearing Space to Walk our Path

Our paths are full of ups and downs, but we are here to support each other on this journey. Take time to set aside any stressors you may be experiencing, and deepen into what is needed right now for you. 

This session will explore the labyrinth. Learn about its traditional uses, designs, and how we can incorporate this into our lives as we walk our unique paths. Mindfully enter into this sacred space through meditation and art making. No experience is needed! 

Materials Suggested: 

  • Paper
  • Colouring Materials (pencils, markers, crayons, pastels, etc.) 
  • Optional: Clay/Natural Found Objects 
  • Whatever materials you feel connected to!


Mindfulness Check-In

  1. Take a few deep breaths down inside of your body. Feel the support of the chair that you’re sitting on, the earth beneath your feet, and being here.
  2. Follow your breath inside of your body and notice how it is inside right now. . . Is it jumpy, or calm, tight, warm . . . or something else?
  3. Imagine you’re sitting somewhere peaceful. It may a place you already know or one that you make up in your imagination.
  4. Once you have that place, use any drawing tool to draw your “All Fine Place”. Where is it? What does it look like? 

“The art of living is the art of changing directions. A labyrinth imitates life’s journey, taking you through reversals or constant turning points, but it is designed to return you to your center.” - Toby Evans

Art Making 

  1. Close your eyes and create a unicursal path that leads you to your “All Fine” Place. This can be a simple line, or a more complex path. A unicursal path can be drawn in a single movement. 
  2. Using whatever art materials you feel connected to, create artwork that supports this meditative process. 
  3. Is the path complex or simple? Is it bumpy, wavy or straight? Is it easy or difficult? Does it lead you in a certain direction? Does it have a centre? 
  4. Along the way, we can learn wholeness, reconciliation, understanding, and empathy from our paths. What is your path telling you? 


Taking Care: Where Art Meets Wellness is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, WindsorEssex Community Foundation, and the Solcz Family Foundation.