Jane Ash Poitras, Shaman Never Die, 1998, acrylic and collage on canvas, 71.0 cm x 86.0 cm x 81.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.012

Michael D. Hall, Niagara: Frontier Thesis (Am. Civ. Series), 1991, acrylic and collaged objects on canvas with hand-cut wooden frame, 81.0 cm x 81.0 cm
Gift of the Artist, 2016, 2016.007

Lawren Stewart Harris, Pyramid, c. 1937-39, oil on masonite, 46.0 cm x 56.0 cm
Gift of Yvonne McKague Housser, 1964, 1964.011

Lawren Stewart Harris, Untitled (Abstract study for 'Pyramid'), ca. 1934-39, graphite on paper, 28.0 cm x 21.0 cm
Gift of the Jesuit Fathers in English Canada, 2017, 2017.019

Frances Marie Gage, Duck Preening, 1971, bronze with wood base, 15.3 cm x 19.0 cm x 41.9 cm
Gift of John T. Pepall, 2017, 2017.032

Marmaduke M. Matthews, Untitled (Fraser Valley), ca. 1887, watercolour on paper, 49.5 cm x 37.0 cm
Gift of Mrs. Margaret McNamara in memory of Dr. Eugene McNamara, 2017, 2017.033

David Urban, Dezembrum, (also known as Hotel Dieu), 1998, oil on canvas on board, 229.0 cm x 197.0 cm
Gift of Sydney and William R. Pieschel, 2018, 2018.016

Wafaa Bilal, Al-Mutanabbi Street, 2003-2013, archival ink-jet photograph on paper, 1/5, 101.6 cm x 127.0 cm
Gift of Dr. John Driscoll, 2019, 2019.005

Wafaa Bilal, Dark Palace, 2003-13, archival inkjet photograph on paper, edition of 5, 102.0 cm x 127.0 cm
Gift of Dr. John Driscoll, 2019, 2019.006

Jahan Maka, Untitled, ca. 1975, graphite, ink, enamel and oil on canvas, 80.0 cm x 99.0 cm
Gift of Michael Hall and Patricia Glascock, 2016, 2016.009

Barnabus Arnasungaaq, Baker Lake Father and Son, not dated, stone, 40.5 cm x 25.0 cm x 23.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.009

Norval Morrisseau, Legend of the Fish People at the Great Flood, not dated, silksceen on hand-made paper, 5/49 , 106.0 cm x 87.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.011

Arthur Shilling, Indian Boy, 1969, oil on canvas, 83.0 cm x 61.0 cm
Gift of Dr. Wayne Carman, 2019, 2019.002

Ruth May Pawson, Far Horizon, North of Regina on No. 6, ca. 1950, oil on canvas, 61.0 cm x 76.0 cm
Gift of Michael Hall and Patricia Glascock, 2016, 2016.008

Manasie Akpaliapik, Sedna, not dated, whalebone, 40.0 cm x 23.0 cm x 20.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.007

Manasie Akpaliapik, Face (also known as Sedna and Child), not dated, bone, ivory, antler, 35.5 cm x 40.5 cm x 18.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.008

David Ruben Piqtoukun, Bear Man Spirit Helper, not dated, 40.0 cm x 50.0 cm x 25.0 cm
Gift of Carolyne Rourke in memory of Byron Rourke, 2019, 2019.010

William George Richardson Hind, North End of the Mountain Portage, 1860s, graphite, watercolour, ink on paper, 17.5 cm x 27.0 cm
Gift of John Pepall, 2019, 2019.003

William George Richardson Hind, Lake Ka-jib-wa-te-ka-pas, , graphite, watercolour, gouache, scraping on graduated-tint paper, 18.0 cm x 27.0 cm
Gift of John Pepall, 2019, 2019.004